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Tour of Pian di Spagna by mountain bike

The natural environment of Pian di Spagna is very sensitive, because of the particular flora and fauna: man intervention, intensive agriculture and fire threaten plants and wildlife. For this reason, it is suitable to visit it only by going along the traced paths, so not to disturb this ecosystem with people presence.

The difference in altitude (for this track) is only about 100 metres. Among all the route, it is suggested to start from the picnic area at Ponte del Passo, cross the road and go towards the fork. There, take the road on the left (the one on the right goes to "La Punta"), and arrive in Torrino. Then, come back to Stallone and again on the road, near Telespazio aerials, on the way back to the picnic area, then going through Nuova Olonio, back from Nigolo and Valeriana to the picnic area.


Ponte del Passo

Ponte del Passo

Il Ponte del Passo