Riserva Pian Di Spagna

Il Cigno Reale (Cygnus olor)

Do you know that...... ???
- In Australia there are black Swans (Cygnus atratus)...
... while in America there is the Trumpet Swan (Cygnus buccinator)
- A Swan may weigh 20 kg and live 25 years
- Swans are monogamous and make 5 to 10 eggs each set
- The difference between male and female is over the beak...
... male has a black protuberance over the beak, female has not
- Swans eat water plants, fish and grass....
... but in the Middle ages were eaten in banquets!
- The Queen of England has an " Official Thames Swan Keeper "
- There is the constellation of the Swan, remembering Jupiter...
... that trasformed into a swan to meet beautiful Leda
- In the Andersen' tale, an awful duck became a nice swan
- Male keeps the nest, female sometimes brings little swans on the back