Gera Lario

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San Vincenzo church

This church is near the San Vincenzo torrent, flowing down from the valley with the same name, near to the road to Trezzone.

Diggings as old as 1964 have found numerous reperts of roman age and some other restoration have brought to the ancient brilliance some frescoes that have been covered.

Between the artists that, during the centuries, have painted into the church, it is thought that is possible to see the hand os some disciples of (Stories of San Vincenzo, Stories of the Vergine) Sigismondo de Magistris, as old as the middle of 1500 or the paints of the same de Magistris (San Pietro martyr).

For anybody intersted to deepen the details about the church,
there is a book (edited by the"Comitato Restauri Chiesa Parrocchiale", called "Il S. Vincenzo in Gera Lario" - Dominioni Maslianico-Como 1965) in which some different authors tell the history of the church and its frescoes, the life of Vincenzo martire, the roman and archaeological foundings and a comparison with other similar churches in the area.


Gera Lario

San Vincenzo church

Gera Lario