In spite of the town territory being very small (less than 7 kmq), Gera Lario has some interesting testimony of an ancient roman past (funerary columns, mosaics, foundings) inserted into christian buildings, first of all the beautiful romanic church of San Vincenzo (century XII), that is built near the same torrent on a roman epoch base. The church has had some different addings and repaintings during the centuries.
The church of Nostra Signora di Fatima (1634) is on the main square of the town, near via Regina.
Some frescoes in the historic centre (SS. Sebastiano and Rocco, Madonna with Bambino, Sacra Famiglia), show the religious devotion of the families of the place; inhabitant's devotion well expressed by a votive chapel on the Regina road and by the modern small church of Sant'Agata.
Many old houses of the XVI-XVII centuries are visible in the main square, while in the Pian di Spagna it is still possible today to see a small Spanish fort called "Stallone" (big stable).