If you wish to deepen your knowledge about the Pian di Spagna, you may read the following books.
Guida alla Riserva Naturale Pian di Spagna lago di Mezzola
e alle zone umide della provincia di Como
Gabriella Bianchi e Roberto Ferranti.
Lyasis Edizioni Sondrio 2004
This beautiful rich-illustrated volume is an excellent work (written in 3 languages: Italian, German and English) that quickly and carefully illustrates the nature reserve of Pian di Spagna, its geography, history, plant life, wild life, human environment and some routes to visit it in a very respectful way. The wide photographic documentation, with the marvellous photos by Gianfranco Scieghi, and the fluency of the texts make it a book for everybody right to discover this and other 11 protected wetlands in the province of Como.
Tra cielo e Acqua: migratori in volo sul Pian di Spagna -
Bordignon L. e Corti W. Osservatorio Ornitologico Lodoletta e Consorzio Riserva Naturale Pian di Spagna - lago di Mezzola.
Tipolitografia di Borgosesia. Borgosesia 2003.
This book joins the scientific rigour of the ornithological passion of Lucio Borgignon and Walter Corti with the beautiful photos by Vincenzo Martegani. After an introduction about the natural environment of the reserve, results and plans of study and conservation of the ornithological observatory "La Lodoletta" are shown, together with schedules about numerous species of migrators of the reserve with beautiful drawings attached. Every birdwatcher should have a copy of this book in his bookcase, but the occasional lover too can surely learn something about the habits and the characteristics of these animals, which are the most representative of the whole reserve.
Valtellina e Valchiavenna 3 voll.
AA.VV. Casa Editrice Stefanoni Lecco 1996
This work consists of 3 guides to art, excursions and nature. The volume about natureis rich in information not only about the reserve but also about the surrounding areas, geology, wild plants and wildlife of the Alps and Prealps in Lombardy. The work is supplemented with bibliography, useful addresses and analytical index of resorts, and together with the volumes dedicated to art and excursions gives to everybody countless hints for visits ad outgoings, using Pian di Spagna as an entrance door for Valtellina and Valchiavenna.
Il Forte di Fuentes nel Pian di Spagna (1603-2003)
AA.VV. Cattaneo Editore Lecco 2003
Forte Fuentes stands a bit south of the reserve on the right riverside of Adda: this book gathers the contributions of 4 scholars on the occasion of the fourth centenary of the foundation (1603-2003) and the fourth essay is entitled "The Pian di Spagna and the Montecchi" by Alessandro Osio and it is a synthetic description of the local plant life and wildlife. Vincenzo Martegani's photos are the ideal completion of this work, describing the development of the territory (also by old maps and paintings), which involves directly the reserve.